Posts tagged with "Late Payments"

Prevent the Domino Effect: Safeguard Your Business from Late Payments
Economy · 03. October 2024
In today's intricate business environment, on-time payments are more than simply a financial need. 

How electronic invoicing helps reduce late payments in commercial transactions
Economy · 18. July 2024
Paper-based invoices are losing ground to electronic invoices. The switch to eInvoices is bringing about significant changes for the seller and buyer alike.

Late Payment Regulation "on hold"
EU Newsletter · 20. June 2024
It became clear during the negotiations in the Working Party, however, that a large number of Member States is not convinced that there is a need to replace the currently existing rules on late payment by a new Regulation or by a new Directive.

Approved the draft report on the proposal for a Late Payments regulation
EU Newsletter · 21. March 2024
The Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) approved the draft report on the proposal for a Late Payments regulation (LPR).

EU Payment Observatory - Annual report 2023
Economy · 29. February 2024
Fulfilling the objectives of the EU Payment Observatory, the 2023 Annual Report stands as its foremost analytical output. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the trends in payment behaviour in commercial transactions in the EU from 2019 to 2022.

Late Payments Practices – new edition
FEBIS · 26. September 2023
FEBIS Working Group on “Late Payments”, which objective is to increase and share the knowledge on this topic has released a second edition about the situation in some countries, not only on legal aspects, but also on the best practices and the impact of late payments in the economy.

FEBIS participates in the creation of the European Payment Observatory in commercial transactions
FEBIS · 31. August 2023
One of the components of this Observatory is the Stakeholder's Forum, composed of associations, information providers, and administrations with experience in the problem of late payments.

FEBIS Working Group on “Late Payments”
FEBIS · 16. May 2023
FEBIS Working Group on “Late Payments”, which objective is to increase and share the knowledge on this topic has released a first version about the situation in some countries, not only on legal aspects, but also on the best practices and the impact of late payments in the economy.

FEBIS participates in the first Stakeholder Forum meeting of the EU Payments Observatory
FEBIS · 03. May 2023
In her State of the Union address in September 2022, President von der Leyen announced the revision of Directive 2011/7/EU on combating late payments in commercial transactions. This measure is one of the measures that will be put in place to put an end to the culture of late payments. An essential aspect is the lack of transparency, and the creation of an Observatory is one of the main measures of this project.

Late Payments
Economy · 20. January 2023
Results indicate that the Late Payment Directive has been associated with higher cash flow in firms that were experiencing longer time to collect their credits in the past.

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