In a letter unveiled on March 3, the US Tech representative organisation CCIA is urging the European Parliament and Member States to focus on getting a global European approach in the DSA, rather than national initiatives.
The Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act seek to provide a safe and transparent online environment, and the EDPS believes there should be “additional measures” to protect individuals online.
MEPs approved on October 21 two separate “legislative initiative” reports calling on the Commission to address and tackle current shortcomings in the online environment in its Digital Services Act (DSA) package, due to be presented in December.
The first report on the digital Services Act: Improving the future of the Internal Market is available…
Digital EU unveils its consultation on the Digital Services Act Package The Commission launched on June 3rd, 2020 its awaited public consultation on the Digital Services Act. The consultation, open until 8 September, covers issues such as safety online, freedom of expression, fairness and a level-playing field in the digital economy. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager said: “The Internet presents citizens and businesses with great opportunities, which they balance against risks that...