On the first quarter of 2021, due to the persistency of the Pandemic, the severe delays in payments of enterprises grew especially in Umbria (+8%), Liguria (+7,1%), Trentino-Alto-Adige (+6,1%) and in Marche (+5,1%). At the same time, they decreased in Basilicata (-4,6%), Campania (-1,9%) and in Valle d’Aosta (-1,5%). This is what was pointed out by the Payment Study (updated March 31st) and made by CRIF.
Italian enterprises that pay on time their clients and providers are the 36,5% of total enterprises, that is the 4,6% more than the same quarter of 2020, when the pandemic was at the beginning. At the same time, the enterprises that pay in severe delay add up to 13,1% (+23,6% compared to the end of March 2020).
The North-East area is the most reliable, with a 44% of timely payments, instead, in the South area and in the islands, CRIF registered just a 24% of enterprises that can pay in time.
On the top of regional ranking of on time payments, we find Lombardia (45,6%) and Emilia-Romagna (44,8%), followed by Veneto (44%), Marche (42,9%) and Trentino-Alto-Adige (42,7%). In the last position we find Sicilia, where just one enterprise out of five fulfils its payment obligations in time, followed by Calabria (20,9%) and Campania (23,6%). Sicilia, Campania and Calabria are also the regions that have the highest rate of severe delays, 23,1%, 22.8% and 20,5%.
The micro-enterprises, with the 38,5% of late payments, are the most virtuous, but, despite this, they register the majority of severe delays (14%: 9,7% the smallest, 6,8% the medium, and 6,3% the biggest).
For what concerns the sectors, compared to December 2020, the retail sector is the one with the highest increase of severe delays (+4,5%), followed by agriculture, forests, hunting and fishing (+4,1%) and financial services (+3,3%).
For more details, click here https://www.crif.it/area-stampa/comunicati-stampa/2021/aprile/pagamenti-imprese-ritardi-gravi-in-aumento-umbria-liguria-trentino/
Source: CRIF S.p.A.
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