
Italy Payments Study: severe delays are growing particularly in Umbria, Liguria and Trentino Alto Adige


On the first quarter of 2021, due to the persistency of the Pandemic, the severe delays in payments of enterprises grew especially in Umbria (+8%), Liguria (+7,1%), Trentino-Alto-Adige (+6,1%) and in Marche (+5,1%). At the same time, they decreased in Basilicata (-4,6%), Campania (-1,9%) and in Valle d’Aosta (-1,5%). This is what was pointed out by the Payment Study (updated March 31st) and made by CRIF.


Italian enterprises that pay on time their clients and providers are the 36,5% of total enterprises, that is the 4,6% more than the same quarter of 2020, when the pandemic was at the beginning. At the same time, the enterprises that pay in severe delay add up to 13,1% (+23,6% compared to the end of March 2020).


The North-East area is the most reliable, with a 44% of timely payments, instead, in the South area and in the islands, CRIF registered just a 24% of enterprises that can pay in time.


On the top of regional ranking of on time payments, we find Lombardia (45,6%) and Emilia-Romagna (44,8%), followed by Veneto (44%), Marche (42,9%) and Trentino-Alto-Adige (42,7%). In the last position we find Sicilia, where just one enterprise out of five fulfils its payment obligations in time, followed by Calabria (20,9%) and Campania (23,6%). Sicilia, Campania and Calabria are also the regions that have the highest rate of severe delays, 23,1%, 22.8% and 20,5%.


The micro-enterprises, with the 38,5% of late payments, are the most virtuous, but, despite this, they register the majority of severe delays (14%: 9,7% the smallest, 6,8% the medium, and 6,3% the biggest).


For what concerns the sectors, compared to December 2020, the retail sector is the one with the highest increase of severe delays (+4,5%), followed by agriculture, forests, hunting and fishing (+4,1%) and financial services (+3,3%).


For more details, click here https://www.crif.it/area-stampa/comunicati-stampa/2021/aprile/pagamenti-imprese-ritardi-gravi-in-aumento-umbria-liguria-trentino/


Source: CRIF S.p.A.

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