
FEBIS: Progress on MoU joint communications

Dear Members,


As published and informed in February, FEBIS and ACCIS signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) in order to create a framework for co-operation.


As established in the document signed by both associations, the areas of collaboration would be centred on Regulatory affairs, European affairs, affairs in relation to the International Committee of Credit Reporting - where both organisations are members - and any other matters commonly agreed.


As part of the development of this co-operation, the first of the planned quarterly calls was organised on 27th of March.

The discussion was centred on the recently released EU data strategy.

Decisions taken:


1. In addition to their respective responses to the ongoing public consultation organised by the European Commission, both associations will prepare a joint position paper, to be completed before the summer. This paper will be centred in defending both associations members´ needs - more and better access to updated and reliable data. Topics that are planned to be addressed jointly:


a. EU data processing rules and standards, in full compliance with legislation (data protection, security and fair competition practices, etc.)

b. Cross border and cross sectors flow of data and data use

c. Homogeneous high-quality public sector data available for re-use (e.g. HVDS)

d. Underlying rationale for a European Data Space (given the magnitude of such project in time and resources).


2. Additionally, both associations will raise EU awareness on aspects such as:


a. General benefits of credit reporting and consistent data for the overall economy, as catalysers in access to traditional and alternative finance

b. Regulatory contradictions that hinder real data access and transparency


3. FEBIS and ACCIS will promote attendance of their respective members to the future events of each association.


FEBIS and ACCIS would also like to send their joint support to all their members and industry partners in these times of uncertainty brought to us by COVID-19.


Priority needs to be given to keeping healthy, positive and confident that we are closer to recovery.


Should you need any clarifying, please feel free to contact: silvia.amaral@febis.org

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