
FEBIS Regulatory Committee


This month has also been a very active one for the FEBIS Regulatory Committee, going from filing out a FEBIS contribution to the EU Consultation on ESAP to a joint webinar with ACCIS on Data Governance featuring DG CNECT to the monitoring of the evolution of the Open Data directive and the e-privacy issue.


FEBIS has put together a position paper for a submission to the EU consultation on the establishment of a European Single Access Point. This public consultation was open until March 12 and FEBIS has coordinated a position which also got the support of BIIA and ACCIS. In this paper, FEBIS Regulatory Committee has insisted on the need to consider business information providers as key actors and asked to be involved in further discussions about the ESAP.


The Regulatory Committee also helped coordinating with ACCIS the joint webinar on the European Data Governance Act which took place on March 9,2021. In this session, Ms Andrea TOTH from DG CNECT outlined the major items of the EU Data Governance Act such as the will to better promote re-use of public sector information, to enable better data flows by putting in place a status of data intermediaries and also to put in place European Data Spaces among which one in finance.


FEBIS is also active in monitoring the next steps of the Open Data Directive transposition and the forthcoming Implementing Act on High Value Datasets which should be unveiled early April. With regular exchange between FEBIS Regulatory Committee members and the European Commission, we have emphasized the importance of getting a fair level playing field for the re-use of public sector information in Europe. Furthermore, FEBIS has also worked on a position paper on the e-privacy issue to underline the importance of keeping business information flows in current pandemic times. 


Source: FEBIS


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