
EP first discussions go for shared competence between ITRE and LIBE Committees


The ITRE (Industry Committee) of the European Parliament held a first exchange of views on the EU Data Governance Act on March 18. During this first discussion, the rapporteur MEP Angelika Niebler (EPP) outlined her proposed timetable which is planned as such:

  • The draft report of the ITRE Committee should be unveiled before April1st.
  • An exchange of views on the draft report shall take place in the ITRE Committee on April 13

During this first discussion, MEPs have outlined some of concerns they have or some of the issues they’d like to deep dive in, such as for example outlining a more precise definition of data altruism. Moreover, the links between the EU Data Governance Act and the GDPR should be clarified according to MEPs, and this will also be done with a share competence with the LIBE (Civil Rights) Committee of the EP who will be in charge of all aspects of the EU Data Governance Act linked to data protection.  Other MEPS outlined the need to have great scrutiny about third-party data transfers as well as on the localisation requirement for data intermediaries. And as regards reuse of public sector data, some Green MEPS have outlined their will to prevent any exclusive agreements by straightening these clauses. 


Source: FEBIS


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