We are pleased to announce the election of the FEBIS Executive Board during the General Assembly held today, September 23rd, 2021.
Voted by the members, the elected Board commits to work for 2 years in promoting, supporting, and representing them as well as the overall interests of the Business Information industry.
The configuration of the Board is as follows:

Gertjan Kaart
Creditsafe Nederland B.V.
Den Haag, NL

Luis Carmona
Informa S.A.
Madrid, ES

Mark Preston
Dun & Bradstreet Ltd.
London, GB

Sven G. Buckenberger
CreditDevice GmbH
Hamburg, DE

Board Member
Adrian Ashurst
Worldbox AG
Zollikon/Zürich, CH

Board Member
Fabio Lazzarini
Bologna, IT

Board Member
Kike Fernandez
Iberinform Internacional S.A.
Madrid, ES

Deputy Board Member
Wolfgang Keusgen
Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V.
Neuss, DE

Deputy Board Member
Theodoros Kringou
Infocredit Group
Nicosia, CY
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