
Public Administration Payments: less delays and better timeliness versus 2019 but worse if compared to companies


In third quarter 2020 payments on-time in Italian Public Administration* has improved of 2.9% versus end 2019 with a 0,5% decrease for strong delays (more than 30 days). This is underlined by a Payment Study released by CRIF (30 September update).


Payments done at expiring date in Public Administration are below average of Italian companies: only 29.8% of payments are done on-time versus 35.2% in the companies. Strong delays with more of 30 days are 18.9% in Public Administration and 12.7% in companies.


North-West is the most reliable geographic area with 34.5% of payments on-time, on the opposite side, South and Islands are facing more difficulties with 31.8% of strong delays, with 23.1% in Centre and 12.2% in North-West and 9% in North-East.


Negative results with delays higher than 30 days are related to Calabria with 52.6%, Sicilia (32.5%), Campania (32.5), Molise (30,9%), all of them in South of Italy and Lazio (30,7%) in the Centre. Regions with less delays are Valle d’Aosta (5.1%) in North-West, Trentino-Alto Adige (6,2%) e Friuli-Venezia.


Public Health and connected bodies have reported a progressive decrease in strong delays: if in 2018 they were 41.6% of the overall payments, end of September they were at 25.5%. On the opposite side, delays by 30 days increased: 57.9% in 2018, 62.2% in 2029 and 74% in September. In this sector, there aren’t almost payments on-time: from 0.5% in 2018, 1% in 2029 and back to 0.5 in third quarter 2020.


Regarding Regional and Local Authorities, an improvement is reported in payment at expiring date now at 21.4% versus 19.1% in 2019 and 16.5% in 2018. Also, payments with a delay more than 30 days are decreasing: today 23.7% compared to 24.1 in December 2020.


*CRIF analysis includes following sector in Public Administration: Regional Health Agencies, Local Authorities, Hospitals, Public bodies for personal care, Local Health bodies and connected departments, Public Registries, Metropolitan Cities, Cities, Mountain Communities, Mountain Consortiums, Schools at different degrees and connected departments, Other Consortiums, Orders and Professionals Associations, Prime Minister Cabinet and Ministries with connected Departments, Provinces, Regions, Health, Consortium of Cities, Universities.



Source: CRIF - SkyMinder

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